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HS Announcements

Monday, October 7, 2024


Student Announcements


Equality Club will meet this Wednesday, October 9th after school in room 203. 

There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in traveling to Europe during February break 2026. Meeting is Thursday, October 10th at 6:30 pm in room 116. See Senora Wilson if you cannot attend.

Want to participate in a pep rally contest? Enter in our social studies classroom. By entering you will be randomly chosen to participate in a student v student contest or a student v faculty member contest.


Any student who would like a copy of the Student Handbook you may pick one up from the HS Main Office or you can access it on the HS website. 

Any students driving to school - stop by the Main Office to register your car and get a parking sticker.   

General Announcements


As scholarships come into the counseling office they will be uploaded to the counseling web page. Make sure to check the link below periodically. If there are any questions concerning scholarships, students should visit the counseling office.

Financial Aid and Scholarships (GCSD Counseling Office page)


College Visits


October 9th: 9:00 - St. Lawrence University

9:45 - Utica University

October 15th: 10:30 - SUNY College of Technology at Canton

2:00 - Dean College

October 16th: 12:30 - Westfield State University